Es un conejo de angora y Ñoño lo ha bautizado como Pompoko porque esta semana estabamos viendo esa pelicula.
Es una monada y enseguida se ha hecho amiga (es hembra) de Ponyo, se hacen caricias y todo.
Ademas, el juguete que le compramos a Ponyo que era un cilindro con un cascabel y que Ponyo no le hacia ni caso a Pompoko le encanta.
Se pasa el dia y la noche jugando con el, lo mete en el comedero y todo.
Porque el primer mal habito que ha aprendido de Ponyo es a tirar la comida fuera del comedero y lo utiliza de canasta para su juguete.
A Tristan tambien le ha gustado porque hacia malabares para subirse al techo y poder verla.
A Totoro no le ha hecho mucha gracia porque era la unica hembra y ahora Ponyo no le hace caso.
Y ya aprovechamos la entrada para decir que de los 2 hurones que nos quedaban, uno gris y otro blanco, el gris se ha suicidado.
Ya tenia los ojos abiertos y no lo encontramos fuera de la jaula muerto.
Pobretico, ya tenia hogar y se le veia sano y no sabemos por donde cayo porque por la reja no cabe como para caerse.
Asi que solo nos queda el albino, que es un lloron.
We have a new family member.
It is an angora rabbit and has named Ñoño Pompoko because this week we were watching that movie.
It's cute and then she has befriended (is female) Ponyo, they caress and all.
In addition, the toy you bought a pony that was a cylinder with a bell and not to either Ponyo case Pompoko loves.
Spends the day and night playing with it, puts it in the trough and everything.
Because the first bad habit he has learned from Ponyo is to throw food out of the trough and uses it to his toy basket.
A sad too because he liked to juggle to get on the roof and view it.
A Totoro has not very funny because he was the only female and Ponyo now ignores him.
And take this entry to say that of our remaining two ferrets, a gray and a white, gray killed herself.
Already had their eyes open and not found outside the cage dead.
Poor fellow, and was homeless and he looked healthy and do not know where the gate fell because it is not to fall.
So that leaves us with the albino, a weeping.
Es una monada y enseguida se ha hecho amiga (es hembra) de Ponyo, se hacen caricias y todo.
Ademas, el juguete que le compramos a Ponyo que era un cilindro con un cascabel y que Ponyo no le hacia ni caso a Pompoko le encanta.
Se pasa el dia y la noche jugando con el, lo mete en el comedero y todo.
Porque el primer mal habito que ha aprendido de Ponyo es a tirar la comida fuera del comedero y lo utiliza de canasta para su juguete.
A Tristan tambien le ha gustado porque hacia malabares para subirse al techo y poder verla.
Y ya aprovechamos la entrada para decir que de los 2 hurones que nos quedaban, uno gris y otro blanco, el gris se ha suicidado.
Ya tenia los ojos abiertos y no lo encontramos fuera de la jaula muerto.
Pobretico, ya tenia hogar y se le veia sano y no sabemos por donde cayo porque por la reja no cabe como para caerse.
Asi que solo nos queda el albino, que es un lloron.
We have a new family member.
It is an angora rabbit and has named Ñoño Pompoko because this week we were watching that movie.
It's cute and then she has befriended (is female) Ponyo, they caress and all.
In addition, the toy you bought a pony that was a cylinder with a bell and not to either Ponyo case Pompoko loves.
Spends the day and night playing with it, puts it in the trough and everything.
Because the first bad habit he has learned from Ponyo is to throw food out of the trough and uses it to his toy basket.
A sad too because he liked to juggle to get on the roof and view it.
A Totoro has not very funny because he was the only female and Ponyo now ignores him.
And take this entry to say that of our remaining two ferrets, a gray and a white, gray killed herself.
Already had their eyes open and not found outside the cage dead.
Poor fellow, and was homeless and he looked healthy and do not know where the gate fell because it is not to fall.
So that leaves us with the albino, a weeping.
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