Lo he pintado en este tono de azul que va a juego con los otros muebles.
Le he puesto unas pegatinas en las puertas y le he pegado la encimera.
Para que no se quedara muy alta la encimera la he rebajado un poco por detras.
A la leja le he puesto una puntilla para que adorne mas.
El otro mueble se supone que seria el fregadero, pero me gusta mas como encimera asi que le hare un muble a parte.

I've painted the kitchen counter.
I've painted in this shade of blue that will match the other furniture.
I've put stickers on the doors and I have stuck the counter.
To help you stay high I have lowered the top a little behind.
In lecha I put a sprig for garnish more.
The other piece of furniture is assumed that it would sink, but I like more as a counter so she makes a part furnitures.
I've painted in this shade of blue that will match the other furniture.
I've put stickers on the doors and I have stuck the counter.
To help you stay high I have lowered the top a little behind.
In lecha I put a sprig for garnish more.
The other piece of furniture is assumed that it would sink, but I like more as a counter so she makes a part furnitures.
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