De la ediccion especial de sobres sorpresas (los que venden por 2,00 € en Carrefour) tengo a parte del pingüino que fue el primero, a:
- Un Perro.
- Un Ratón.
- Una Ovejita.
De los normales tengo:
- Una Zariguella.
- Un Gato.
- Un Caballito de Mar.
Tengo que hacer una escena para meterlos a todos y poderlos tener todos juntos en mi casa, porque ya no me cabe nada mas en la estanteria que los tengo.
This summer has broadened my collection of LPS up to 16 animals.
Special edition of surprises envelopes (those selling at Carrefour € 2.00) I have to part of Penguin was the first to:
- A Dog.

- A Mouse.
- A lamb.
I have the normal: - An opossum.
- A Cat. - A Seahorse. I have to do a scene to put them all together and be able to take in my house because I do not fit anything more on the shelf that I have.
- Un Perro.
- Un Ratón.
- Una Ovejita.
De los normales tengo:
- Una Zariguella.
- Un Gato.
- Un Caballito de Mar.

This summer has broadened my collection of LPS up to 16 animals.
Special edition of surprises envelopes (those selling at Carrefour € 2.00) I have to part of Penguin was the first to:
- A Dog.
- A Mouse.
- A lamb.
- A Cat. - A Seahorse. I have to do a scene to put them all together and be able to take in my house because I do not fit anything more on the shelf that I have.
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